Monday we ventured out to IKEA to get some things for the boys' room. While we were there we let Hewitt get out of the cart for a very short period and while he was out he had a drop seizure and face planted on the floor. Not only did he get a nice bruise on his forehead but he fractured his clavicle (or collar bone). We had a lovely trip to the er to find out there's not really anything they do for this anymore. He is hanging in like a little trooper and doing well at not moving it too much. It's the rest of us that keep forgetting and picking him up on that side or something like that that seems to aggravate it. They say it should be well in 2-3 weeks. Like the seizures aren't enough! Thankfully it's an easy fix and a quick heal. I tried to get him to say " I fractured my clavicle" to people when they ask what happened to his arm. He did for a few and they got a good chuckle out of it, but now he is saying he broke his college bone. He is very charming and gives us laughs when we least expect it. He told the x-ray tech in the hospital that his nipple hurt! I got a good laugh out of that one. In an effort to get the boys to not say booby I taught them they have a chest with nipples. (which they are oddly fascinated with) I haven't made a big deal about it, but it is funny to hear a 3 year old call it what it is.
1 comment:
It'd be a bit easier to remember if he had his cast outside of his shirt...
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