Saturday, September 20, 2008


The last few days Hewitt's interaction has been so encouraging. I think I had forgotten so many of the things he was doing before the seizures hit. He's been saying some funny things. I think one of the cutest comes when we're reminding him to put his helmet on or sit where the blanket is at the table. He says in a very matter-of-fact, (and assuring at the same time) voice - "I have to wear my helmet because I have epsilepsy and I might fall and hit my head." or " I need to have this blanket here because I have epsilepsy and I hit my head sometimes." I love the EPSILEPSY. It's so funny...we can't even correct him, because it's amazing that he is even trying to explain it to us. He's been so bright, talkative, imaginative and fun this last week. We have been praising God for this change.

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