Friday, March 20, 2009

7 weeks!

We have hit 7 weeks and are so excited! Hewitt is back to his old self...curious, talkative (understatement), obnoxious and sweet. He has an insane amount of energy and is still struggling with some social skills, but I believe he'll get there! We are loving (sometimes with an effort) every minute of him and feel so thankful to have such a great break. He is singing songs he's learning at church, and last Sunday he even went up front to lead some hand motions for a song with some other kids. I wish I would've known it was going to happen so I could've recorded was such a great moment to witness. He had no clue what the hand motions were before he went up but watched the others and caught on quickly...loving every minute of the attention! He and Titus have also been developing a very sweet relationship over the last few weeks that did not exist before this break. They are little buddies and love to get silly and laugh together.

It feels good to be able to write a weekly update with good news! The sleepless nights are going better. Not perfect, but it feels more manageable. Thanks for the prayers!

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