Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer Reading

One of the books I've been working through this summer:

Someone gave me this book about 3 years ago.  I hadn't started reading it yet because my kids were still pretty young at the time.  I'm not done with the book yet, but I'm about 2/3 of the way through.  It consists of 34 chapters of short stories illustrating different principles about work ethic and is geared towards boys.  It's a good tool and will be a good resource for years to come, but like many parenting books is a bit idealistic and could definitely make you feel like a failure if you were a perfectionist.  That being said, I still think it will be a good resource to have on hand to teach different principles of work.  Also, even though it's geared towards boys, I think it would be a great resource for a parent of either boys or girls. 

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