Friday, September 07, 2012

MOPS September Newsletter Article

I am going to post the articles I write for the MOPS newsletter here!  Here's September's:

                Hello Moms!  I am your new MOPS coordinator this year and my name is Colleen LeRoy. Last year you might have known me as the “Creative Activities” person.  This year, I have passed the mason jars and yarn into the capable and creative hands of Jordan Snyder and I am excited to see the fun things she has in store for us.  A few fun facts about me:  I am 33, married to Hayden, mother to 6 boys (Lincoln, Everett, Hewitt, Titus, Phoenix and Kingston), I rearrange my furniture a lot (I like change), I have 3 sisters, I sometimes wish I was Japanese, I love the outdoors, I like having color all around me – it energizes me, I drink iced Americanos with lots of cream,  there is a placenta in the freezer in my basement, I am slightly obsessed with mason jars and if I could have one super power it would be a photographic memory.  (yes, that’s a super power)                   
Our MOPS theme for the year is “Plunge: Love as though your life depended on it” The tagline is taken from Peter 4 (The Message)  “Most of all, love each other as if your life depended on it.  Love makes up for practically anything.  Be quick to give a meal to the hungry a bed to the homeless-cheerfully.  Be generous with the different things God gave you, passing them around so all get in on it: if words, let it be God’s words; if help, let it be God’s hearty help.”  My hope is that this year at MOPS we will make some new friends and be encouraged and challenged in ways that will move us to action.  A few of the things we will be talking about include: friendships with other Moms, healthy relationships, marriage, sex, the importance of having older women in your life, depression and taking care of yourself, human trafficking, and growing in God.  I feel really passionate about a lot of these topics so I am excited to see how God will be teaching all of us this year.  I think we can all relate to this quote from C.S. Lewis “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, “What!  You too?  I thought I was the only one.”  

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